
Ensuring that equity and inclusion is a lived value and set of practices for volunteer training; volunteers can succeed in their roles, as well as advance your organization mission, with the tips and resources provided here.

When organizations forget to engage Equity & Inclusion Supports for Volunteers, there are often two negative consequences:

  1. Volunteers are prevented from making impact in the community around resolving inequities because the volunteers don’t understand how to effectively be part of the solution.
  2. Volunteers accidentally reinforce majority domination in the community work in terms of recycling racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc. — barriers to community wellbeing and contrary to your organizational mission.

This 2 Tips is part of a 3-part series!!!

You get to have 2 Tips focused on the following volunteer management approaches:

  • Part-1: Equity & Inclusion Supports for Volunteers
  • Part-2: Health & Wellness for Volunteers
  • Part-3: Measuring Impact of Volunteer Power

Check-out the video and resources below to support excellent volunteer opportunities in your organization.

Tip 1

Ensure that all volunteers receive equity and inclusion training at the point of onboarding. 

Tip 2

Explicitly coach and engage volunteers on topics pertaining to equity and inclusion at the regularly established check-ins. 


Tools & Examples for Implementing 2 Tips

Video: Learning about how to work alongside and serve non-majority community members (thanks Univ of Minnesota)

Curriculums:  Teaching tolerance classroom tools (thanks Teaching Tolerance)

Guide: Talking to youth about racial stereotypes (thanks Media Smarts)

Hand-out: Why share pronouns (thanks Washington State Univ)

Video: Teaching with intentionality for partnering with youth with diverse learning needs (thanks Special Books by Special Kids)

Guide: Racial Just Guide to Thanksgiving (thanks Center for Racial Justice in Education)

Guide: How to assess books for reinforced racism and sexism (thanks Council on Interracial Books for Children and Cal State Dept of Education)

Events, Resources, Learnings // Seasonal Newsletters

The seasonal newsletter shares social transformation and anti-racism resources, events, and learnings through 

You will also receive a free copy of the introduction to Dr. Vèlez Young's latest book, Nonprofit Work is Killin' Me: Mitigating Chronic Stress and Vicarious Trauma in Social Service Organizations.

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