Morghan Vélez Young strives to reciprocate for all that has been provided to her and her communities by offering accessible resources for Indigenous and Latinx communities. She has lots of collaborative projects, much more than is contained on this website alone. Check out the resources!

Brown Girl Healing (BGH) nonprofit and LLC are two transformative approaches for those dedicated to resolving social oppressions led by female BIPOC coordinators committed to anti-racism. BGH nonprofit partners with individuals and groups to transform the impact of chronic stress and vicarious trauma common to community-based service. BGH LLC collaborates with teams to heal and strengthen organizational research, structures, and practices.

Latinas and Dogs amplifies the natural, holistic work that many of us Latinas are already using with our four-legged kin. We make easy, natural, ancestral solutions accessible to Latinas across the Americas. We are dedicated to serving Latinas who are living diverse lifestyles, like those in cityscapes, rural spaces, in big families, and solo Latinas.

Through the Sebastián Family Foundation’s (SFF) scholarships and grants, we amplify the power and possibilities of community transformation. The SFF was launched in 2022 to elevate the power and beauty of Native children, youth, and young adults. There is a vast supply of talent among Native communities; this talent advances dreams and provides strength and creativity to contend with oppression. SFF is operated on Yokuts Land. To learn more about the original peoples of this land, read more here and checkout #YokutsLand. To learn more about the Indigenous societies of the lands with which you live, read more here.

For academic publications by Morghan Vélez Young, please check out peer-reviewed content by clicking on the button below.
Next Steps
Schedule a Talk, Workshop, or Interview with Morghan Vélez Young.