Dr. Morghan Vélez Young, Ph.D., is dedicated to the transformation and healing of populations impacted by historically oppressive forces in Western settings through teaching and research with Fresno State University as well as consulting with Brown Girl Healing LLC and Brown Girl Healing nonprofit.
Her work inside youth prisons, disinvested neighborhoods, and nonprofit organizations focuses on finding opportunities for change and the deliberate amplification of diverse voices and Indigenous lenses. Her academic publications reflect a through-line dedicated to antiracism and decolonizing, especially legal system institutional harm towards Indigenous and Latinx populations and community-based solutions.
It has been her honor to walk alongside community members who navigate poverty, racism, and generational healing in order to fulfill the vision of the ancestors. Her family is Choctaw, Cherokee, and Tepehuan and informs her dedication to community transformation through academic and community contributions. She was born and raised on Yokuts Land.