Each week we contribute tips to the ether of innovation in the Human Services and Education Sectors

Why Use Pinterest for Orgs and Schools?

  1. Access a tremendous range of (free) resources, tools, and ideas.
  2. Develop an index, or storage, of resources to use over and over.
  3. Occasionally revisit the site to gather new resources, tools, and ideas.

Use Pinterest Strategically: 3 Recommendations

  1. Look into resources, tools, and ideas that have an annotation attached below the image. Annotations should tell the viewer a.) how to use the item; b.) how to adapt the item; and/or c.) who the originator is that contributed the item. It is a major time saver to only look into items with annotations.
  2. “Pin” resources, tools, and ideas that come from evidence-based, best practices, and research-based sources. Many commercial-based entities and individuals contribute great materials, but we promote the use of open-source (free) materials.
  3. Use www.pinterest.com/orgassessment, the page managed by Anchoring Success. We are building 5 categories of (free) tools that folks in the Human Services and Education sectors most benefit from: a.) program assessment; b.) administrative/operation assessment; c.) technology and programming tools; d.) training materials; e.) learning, theory, and research. All 5 categories provide samples, examples, and/or tips for using the tools.

What is Pinterest?

  1. Pinterest is a website where thousands of contributors put out resources, tools, and ideas across a tremendous range of topic areas (e.g. cooking recipes, art techniques, K-12 teaching tools, etc.). Users of Pinterest can simply consume/use the resources, tools, and ideas, and/or can contribute resources, tools, and ideas.
  2. We recommend that orgs and schools use Pinterest primarily as a consumer of the resources, tools, and ideas. Develop a profile account and start collecting, or metaphorically “pin,” resources, tools, and ideas. Your profile account is where you will store and organize the items that you collect.
  3. As a consumer, focus on resources, tools, and ideas that directly support your org’s staff climate and/or the org’s mission and goals.


We love to hear about your use and experiments with Pinterest. Please share them with us at contact@achoringsuccess.com


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Weekly Assessment Tips: a Vlog that supports assessment in the Human Services and Education Sectors


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