
Organizations big and small benefit from understanding the staff team’s experiences with the workplace climate, including:

  • Amount of interpersonal and physical safety for staff
  • Degree of trust among peers and supervisors
  • Ways conflict resolution happens in the workspace
  • Types of support for accomplishing personal and organizational goals

With an understanding of these climate dynamics, your organization can build a stronger and more effective team to meet the organizational mission.

Your organization can do this… you can handle this. Below we provide you with a short climate survey that Anchoring Success uses with organizations. You can also find other examples on line to borrow, adjust, and launch in your org.

Make sure the staff climate survey is established to be anonymous and the questions asked must not accidentally reveal anyone’s identity. Then, go for it. Launch the survey for one-week. After you have the staff climate data, you have at least 5 things to do with the staff climate data.

Two Tips

Keep the following two tips in mind as you carry forward with exploring staff climate in your org.

1: Transparency is key to a.) effectively engage in workplace climate assessment and b.) getting buy-in from the full staff team.

2: Inclusivity is important for a.) making sense of the workplace climate survey results and b.) benefiting from the genius and insights of the staff team.

5 Things to do with the data

1.) Share the aggregate data with the full staff team, asking for their interpretations and insights on what the data is showing.

2.) Share the aggregate data with the full staff team, asking for their ideas on how to leverage strong areas and address needs in the org.

3.) Use this year’s data to establish a baseline in order to compare next year’s results.

4.) Decide which data collection practice anywhere in the organization need adjustments in order to get better operations/administrative data and survey responses for the next time workplace climate is studied.

5.) Build a strategy plan to address the weakest structural aspects of the current staff climate, even brining in a specialist to coach your org through developing the strategy.

Grab a sample Staff Climate Survey


Whether your org chooses to keep the data and data analysis among the executive team or be org-wide inclusive, here are a few questions that your team should ask themselves about the data:

1.) What does or does not surprise you in the aggregate data and why?

2.) What are potential structural solutions for any issues that are showing up? (e.g. policies, procedures, etc.)

3.) What are interpersonal supports that could serve as potential solutions for any issues that are showing up? (e.g. private, ongoing coaching for supervisors; science-based de-stressing practices; unconscious bias trainings and inclusionary tactics; etc.)

4.) What is needed in order to act on two to three of the potential solutions? (e.g. How many weeks will it take to implement solutions? Which mini-tasks can start now? etc.)

Why did we develop “2 Tips” videos?

The Anchoring Success team trusts the talent and sophistication of professionals in Human Services and Education organizations. We know that many professionals and organizational leaders do not have the funds to partner with specialists (like us) and/or the time to strategize on what might seem like extra projects.

Therefore, we launched these “2 Tips” videos to support you with making tweaks, adjustments, and refinements in programs and operations — doable for busy professionals in these organizations!


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