
Wouldn’t it be great to joyfully do your data cleaning work? No chance. Data cleaning, organizing, and various tasks involved in data management require attention to the minutia of columns, rows, fields, and codes. Joy is so far removed from this work.

Perhaps you clicked on this blog because you were wondering if there are things out there that you can do to joyfully do your data cleaning work. Sorry for the reality check.

Perhaps you clicked on this blog because you’re wondering what looser would try to come up with a strategy for joyful data cleaning. Right on!

Tip 1

Stop hating on the fact that there is no joy in data cleaning.

It is reasonable that by the end of hour one you begin to frown and curse, a bit at nothing in particular and sometimes at your colleagues who are not correctly entering data points into the specified fields. This is to be expected. Let it go. In the long-run of your career, you will be thankful that Tip 1 reminds you to stop stressing-out your body every month when taking-on data cleaning.

Your data cleaning is likely to be more effective when your mind stops wandering to hatred.

Your supervisor will appreciate it.

Your moral compass about hating on your colleagues will thank you.

Tip 2

Gather tools of kindness. Tools include water bottles, snacks, a timer to help you to take breaks, wrist brace to prevent carpal tunnel, a sign on your door for no interruptions, and so on.

Your genius will say thanks for taking breaks instead of running non-stop for long periods.

Also, seek feedback from your supervisor about their willingness to make sure that your important work (i.e. monthly or quarterly data cleaning) is supported with these tools as part of the organization’s priority with the health of its personnel. Maybe your tool of choice is to bring your dog to the office on these days…

Why did we develop “2 Tips” videos?

The Anchoring Success team trusts the talent and sophistication of professionals in Human Services and Education organizations. We know that many professionals and organizational leaders do not have the funds to partner with specialists (like us) and/or the time to strategize on what might seem like extra projects.

Therefore, we launched these “2 Tips” videos to support you with making tweaks, adjustments, and refinements in programs and operations — doable for busy professionals in these organizations!


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